10 Costly Search Engine Mistakes to Avoid

If you have a website then you already know the importance of traffic. Traffic is to Internet marketing as location is to real estate. It's the only thing that really matters. If you cannot generate targeted visitors to your site, you will not make any sales. 

Usually the owner or designer of the website is the person designated to drive traffic to the site. The chief ingredient in generating traffic is the search engine. Of coarse, you can use advertising, but it's going to cost you. Using the search engines to generate targeted (interested in your product) traffic is the least expensive method known.

Unfortunately, many website owners do not understand the importance of search engine visibility, which leads to traffic. They place more importance on producing a "pretty" website. Not that this is bad, but it is really secondary to search engine placement. Hopefully, the following list of common mistakes, made by many website owners, will help you generate more targeted traffic to your site...after all, isn't that what you want.

1. Not using keywords effectively.

This is probably one of the most critical area of site design. Choose the right keywords and potential customers will find your site. Use the wrong ones and your site will see little, if any, traffic.

2. Repeating the same keywords.

When you use the same keywords over and over again (called keyword stacking) the search engines may downgrade (or skip) the page or site.

3. Robbing pages from other websites.

How many times have you heard or read that "this is the Internet and it's ok" to steal icons and text from websites to use on your site. Don't do it. Its one thing to learn from others who have been there and another to outright copy their work. The search engines are very smart and usually detect page duplication. They may even prevent you from ever being listed by them.

4. Using keywords that are not related to your website.

Many unethical website owners try to gain search engine visibility by using keywords that have nothing at all to do with their website. They place unrelated keywords in a page (such as "sex", the name of a known celebrity, the hot search topic of the day, etc.) inside a meta tag for a page. The keyword doesn't have anything to do with the page topic. However, since the keyword is popular, they think this will boost their visibility. This technique is considered spam by the search engines and may cause the page (or sometimes the whole site) to be removed from the search engine listing.

5. Keyword stuffing.

Somewhat like keyword stacking listed above, this means to assign multiple keywords to the description of a graphic or layer that appears on your website by using the "alt=" HTML parameter. If the search engines find that this text does not really describe the graphic or layer it will be considered spam.

6. Relying on hidden text.

You might be inclined to think that if you cannot see it, it doesn't hurt. Wrong.... Do not try to hide your keywords or keyword phrases by making them invisible. For example, some unethical designers my set the keywords to the same color as the background of the web page; thereby, making it invisible.

7. Relying on tiny text.

This is another version of the item above (relying on hidden text). Do not try to hide your keywords or keyword phrases by making them tiny. Setting the text size of the keywords so small that it can barely be seen does this.

8. Assuming all search engines are the same.

Many people assume that each search engine plays by the same rules. This is not so. Each has their own rule base and is subject to change anytime they so desire. Make it a point to learn what each major search engine requires for high visibility.

9. Using free web hosting.

Do not use free web hosting if you are really serious about increasing site traffic via search engine visibility. Many times the search engines will eliminate content from these free hosts.

10. Forgetting to check for missing web page elements.

Make sure to check every page in your website for completeness, like missing links, graphics, etc. There are sites on the web that will do this for free.

This is just a few of the methods and techniques that you should avoid. Do not give in to the temptation that these methods will work for you. They will do more harm than good for your website.

Not only will you spend weeks of wasted effort, you may have your site banned from the search engines forever. Invest a little time to learn the proper techniques for increasing search engine visibility and your net traffic will increase. 

Generating Traffic On A Budget

I have several websites and in the past ten years I have worked with gurus that promised to deliver traffic to my sites. In fact I have paid from $200 to over $2,000 for traffic to my sites. I had one person that charged a reasonable fee and my traffic went from 500 visitors to 8,000 visitors. Three years later his fee wasn't that reasonable, but I decided to go ahead and try another website. After three months and two thousand dollars I saw no results.

As many people know the search engines create algorithms so nobody can beat the system. The gurus figure a way around this and charge lots of money to drive traffic to your site. Then the dance continues and the search engines create new algorithms. Next thing you know you are going back to the guru or searching for someone new.

Many of us have been sold a bill of goods about generating traffic to our websites and the lure of getting on the top ten. I can tell you from personal experience that I have been in the top ten and it wasn't that big of an impact. The hook the gurus use to charge a higher fee is the number of keywords you need to get in the top ten. After a while you'll realize that ONE keyword may have over one hundred variations.

Working with gurus creates a roller coaster of traffic to your website. Your traffic and sales are dependent on the gurus and the search engines algorithms. When you stop working with the gurus, or their magic isn't working, your website traffic and sales hit bottom.

Yes there are rewards working with gurus, but you better have a hot site that sells. Start with methods that cost less and allow your traffic to build. Check your status reports to learn more about your visitors and the keywords they used to find you. A good hosting provider will offer this with your hosting package. 

A wise marketer once told me that it was best to get off the roller coaster and put my money into methods that build steady website traffic. As an owner of a website, you learn how to update your own pages so you are not dependent on someone to update your website. The same goes for generating website traffic. When you take the time and invest in building traffic on a regular basis, then you will be free from the gurus and the search engines algorithms.

The simplest and time proven techniques that take very little time are your best answers. One method I know you have heard over and over is submitting articles. Let me give you the WHY submitting articles is important. When you are found in the search engines you are just another listing on all those pages. When submitting articles, I get a loyal audience that reads my articles each week. In fact, when they visit another website and see other articles I have written on other topics, it builds more credibility, rapport, link popularity and traffic.

Generating website traffic is using a combination of methods. Submitting to the search engines is still important, but it is only a part of your overall traffic building strategy. With most search engines it may take one to three months to see results.

Now here is the INSIDE INFORMATION most gurus won't tell you. I am using a traffic generating system that is available to anyone at no cost. In fact it is simple to implement and takes only ten minutes of your time to set-up. This system is instant and you will see an immediate increase in your traffic and it you can verify your results with your own status reports. 

Improved Search Engine Rank - Start With Great Keywords

By carefully choosing the best relevant keywords and then using solid offpage optimization, you will be guaranteed increased online traffic for your website. This is good news for affiliate marketers and anyone needing mass traffic in order to achieve online sales goals. It takes a little work but is well worth the effort, so don't be lazy!

Your very first consideration when optimizing web pages should be keywords. Your online success is determined on how well you can choose these; After all, this is what visitors have typed into Google or another search engine to find what they are looking for.

Keywords should be in demand, meaning frequent searches are being conducted on Google, Yahoo!, MSN etc. Words with a count of 300 to 500 are good. Words with counts of 500 to 1,000 are great (maybe). Count here means how many times per month the term has been searched on.

A good rule of thumb is to pick terms that have KEI (keyword effectiveness
Index) of 10 or greater. KEI is a large potentially complex topic, fortunately all you need to focus on is knowing that the higher the index the easier the term will be to optimize. In other words a high demand search term with not too many competing websites will receive a higher KEI than a high demand search term with many, many competing websites.

You need to focus on keywords that are in demand, yet not so competitive that ranking in the top 3 pages in the Yahoo!, MSN and Google is within reach.

I must stress going through the process of offline optimization using poor keywords is useless. They should be specific enough to get targeted traffic but not so obscure that no one is searching those terms.

If you optimize your website using poorly chosen keywords, your end result may be increased online traffic, but not bringing the specific type of visitor you had in mind, so it is very critical to get this right, all your other optimization efforts are influenced by the initial keyword terms you ultimately decide on.

Google Adsense - The Easiest Way To Make Money Online

Do you know that the easiest way to make money online now is to use Google Adsense? Google Adsense is like a pay-per-click advertising avenue, only that the generated pay-per-click revenue goes to you for putting up the Google Adsense Ads on your website pages.

For the last couple of months, Google Adsense has dominated forums, discussions and newsletters all over the Internet. Already, there are tales of fabulous riches to be made and millions made by those who are just working from home. It seems that Google Adsense have already dominated the internet marketing business and is now considered the easiest way to make money online.

The key to success to make money with Google Adsense is the placing of ads on pages that are receiving high traffic for high demand keywords. The higher the cost-per-click to the advertiser, the more you will receive per click from your site. Obviously, it does not pay to target low cost-per-click keywords and place them on pages that do not receive hits.

With all the people getting online and clicking away everyday, it is no wonder why Google Adsense has become an instant hit.

For some who are just new to this market, it would be a blow to their pride knowing that their homepage is buried somewhere in the little ads promoting other people's services. But then, when they get the idea that they are actually earning more money that way, all doubts and skepticism is laid to rest.

There are two major, and clever, factors that some successful webmaster and publishers are learning to blend together in order to make money easier using Adsense.

1. Targeting high traffic pages on your website. If you check on your logs, you will discover that many of your visitors are taking advantage of the free affiliate marketing resources and ebooks that you are offering on your site. In simple words, your ads are working effectively and are generating more clicks. It also means more money for you.

2. Placing Adsense links on pages that are producing little, or better yet, no profit. By placing Adsense on a free resources page, you will reduce the amount of potential customers being lost to other sites. Tricky, but effective nonetheless.

When learned to work effectively, these two factors are actually a good source of producing a minimal amount of revenue from a high traffic page. Many people are using this strategy to pick up some extra and cash with Adsense. This is also especially rewarding to informational sites that focus their efforts on delivering powerful affiliate link free content to their visitors. Now they can gain a monetary return on their services.

With the many techniques that people are now learning on how to make the easiest money by their Adsense, it is not surprising that Google is trying everything to update and polish their Adsense in order to maintain their good image.

The possibility of adding is 2nd tier in Adsense is not impossible. With all the people spending more time in their Adsense now and still more getting into this line of marketing, there is no doubt about the many new improvements yet to be made. Imagine the smiles on the faces of the webmasters and publishers all around the world if ever they sign up for sub-affiliates and double or even triple the amount that they are already earning.

The one particularly handy money-making feature that is available with Adsense now is the ability to filter out up to 200 urls. These gives webmasters the option to block out low value offers from their pages as well as competitors to their websites. Talk about taking only those that are advantageous and discarding the ones that seem "useless".

With Google Adsense, the possibilities are limitless. Yet there is also the possibility of someone taking advantage of the easy money process that this internet marketing is doing. If you think more about it, these negative factors may force Google to break down and thrash Adsense in the process. If that happens, people would have to go back to the old ways of internet marketing that does not make money online as easy as Adsense.

For now, however, Google Adsense is here to stay. As long as there are people wanting to earn some easy cash online just using their talents, the future ahead is looking good. Besides with all the strict guidelines that Google is enforcing over Adsense, it will take awhile for the Adsense privileges to be spammed and even terminated

Getting Visitors To Your Website

Today I want to focus on getting visitors to your website; if you plan to be successful, you need to attract targeted visitors to your site. You may have a nice looking site with some great income opportunities on there, but if you can't get people to your site; you're wasting your time. I wasted some money on trying to figure this one out. There are tons of different ways to do it, but there are only a few that work. The one I fell for was one of those companies telling me they could get me 10,000 visitors to my site instantly. Well, they don't lie, but they aren't targeted visitors. I offer income opportunities for people who are looking to work from home; if I'm getting people visiting my site looking to buy new cars, I won't be successful. Here are the best ways to get targeted visitors to your site.

First you want to create a blog; a blog is great because you can just write your thoughts down and get people to come and read your ideas, thoughts or questions. Blogs attract visitors who are looking for what you have to say or offer. Plus writing a blog keeps your thoughts in order. This business is always changing; the more you jot things down, the better organized you will be. Once you start a blog; make sure you use a site that can ping your blog. Ping sites are great because they send your blog entry out to people all over the web.

The second way is by writing articles; writing articles is a very effective way to get people to your site; you also boost your ranking on major search engines like Google when you submit articles. When writing articles you have to contribute something; make the readers feel like they are learning something when they read what you have to say; even if they learn one thing you're helping them out. Another thing to remember when writing articles is the amount of articles you right. The more articles you write the more people will come back and see what you have to say. The more they come back the more they trust you; once they trust you, they may be willing to purchase something off of your site. I'm in the process of distributing 30 different articles to 75 different article submission sites. Guess what? If you don't feel like putting in the time and effort to do this, you probably won't be successful. If you feel like you need some help distributing your articles; there are programs out there that will distribute them for you.

The third way of getting targeted visitors is advertising your site on other people's sites who are offering the same opportunity you are; the opportunity doesn't have to be exactly the same, but relates to what you are selling in some way. Try to advertise on high traffic sites; it costs money to advertise on other people's sites; you don't want to spend money on advertising on someone's site, if they don't get a lot of visitors.

The fourth and hardest way to advertise and get targeted visitors is by placing ads on major search engines like Google, Yahoo and MSN. There are tons of people who use this method, it's very competitive. Before you try this; be sure to research thoroughly how each search engine works. You have to spend a good amount of money to be successful on major search engines. If you don't know what you're doing, you could loose $500 in one day. I can't stress the importance of researching this method before you get started. I hate seeing people with a great website get their rear ends kicked because they thought just throwing down a bunch of money could get them visitors. Believe me, there are some serious professionals out there; when you start using search engines to promote your site, you'll be competing against them. If you're not careful; they will chew you up and spit you out.

I hope I was able to help you out; it's tough out there. We need to learn from one another in order to better ourselves. Another thing to remember is; keep your mind open and don't be afraid to try new ideas. Working from home was a new idea one time; look where it's evolved to. 

Get Affiliated - How Affiliate Programs Work For You

Joining an affiliate program is a great way to allow other people to do your selling for you. You can make up to $200 an hour and work only a few hours a day by joining or creating your own affiliate program. Does that sound tempting? Many affiliate programs can get on you the right path to a sustainable income through a small or home based business.

So, what are affiliate programs exactly? An affiliate program is sharing revenue between you and a business that sells services or products. The business rewards you with money for sending customers their way. Does it sound good so far? Now you know what an affiliate program is, now let us see how it works.

First, you place links on your website to a particular businesses website. When a visitor clicks on that link and purchases a product or service from that business, you earn a referral fee. Some affiliate programs will only pay you for a limited amount for time while others will track the sales from your referrals for the entire life of the customer. The average referral fee comes from a percentage of the total amount sold. Some businesses will pay a set amount, click through, or other actions initiated from your website. That percentage can vary from business to business. More visitors and the higher the sales is more money in your pocket.

Does that sound easy? Remember there is no easy money. You cannot just put up a website, start posting a dozen affiliate links, and expect the money to come swarming in. There are a few things to consider first. You need to decide what kind of website you should have that would allow you to start making money through affiliate programs. What works best for you and your website? Now you will have to decide how you will market your website most effectively. Never create a website that consists solely of affiliate links. This creates a very unprofessional site and does not bring in the traffic that you desire.

Another aspect to developing a small business is careful panning. You should be able to map out a profitable strategy by using affiliate programs. Your planned strategy should allow your business to grow and enable you to build a sustainable income on a regular basis. You need to be able to generate a reasonable income website by using affiliate programs that will bring you more than petty cash and that will be worth all your time and effort.

Do not wait for the website traffic to flow in all by itself. It is up to you to market your website and lure the visitors to you. Only hard work and persistence will grant you the keys to success. You will need to research all of your options carefully before entering into any contracts or making any commitments. Even if you do not have your own service or product to sell, you can still make money by selling someone else's service or products. You can do this by becoming an affiliate of another e-commerce website.

Finding an affiliate program can be as easy as going to a Link Share or Commission Junction. These are companies that have systems set up for you to find, apply and manage a variety of affiliate programs through their websites. These companies will also collect all your commissions and compile all your earnings into one paycheck, so that you receive only one check instead of a series of small checks. You can find an affiliate program in nearly every area that interests you. Be sure to take you time when browsing through the categories and select the ones that would work best for you.

If you are interested in putting an affiliate link on your website, most programs will give you instructions on how to establish a link to their website. Normally, the web page allows you to produce a HTML code to post on your website. This HTML code will display an image or text on your web page that is directly linked to the businesses website and contains information that will let the business know which click through came from your website. 

Free SEO - The Do It Yourself Approach

Did you ever wonder about making your site more appealing to the Search Engines? Did you get scared off by the high fees that SEO specialists charge for their services? If you answered yes to each of these questions, then I have some good news for you. There are only a few very effective ways to get good search engine rankings. The techniques are not very hard to learn and only really require time and patience on your part. Let's get started….

Domain Name
The trick here is to register a domain name your customers can remember and the search engines think is relevant. Use words in your domain name that describe your product or service. For example, don't call your site www.derekspage.com if you sell pink widgets. You would be better off calling your site www.bestpinkwidgets.com.

Title Tag
Search Engines value the contents of the Title Tag when ranking your site for keywords. Put your most important keywords in your title tags, using singular and plural versions of each word. Make your tags different and specific for each page on your site. For example, "Pink Widgets and Pink Widget Support". The Title Tag should be a short logical description of your web page.

Header Tags
The description Meta tag is still used by many (not Google) search engines and is often used for displaying a short description of your website. Use about 20 to 30 words to describe your site and be as comprehensive as possible in the small space allowed. Try using your important keywords within the description tag. The keyword Meta tag is rarely used and should not be considered very important. Just put your important keywords in this space and move on to more important optimization issues.

Image ALT Tags
The ALT tag is used for a very short description of an image or graphic file, and is displayed when your mouse pointer hovers above a graphic. Using your important keywords in the image description has been shown to have a small effect with some search engines.

Keyword density
Different search engines have their own preferences as to how many times a keyword phrase can appear on a given web page in order to demonstrate the importance of that keyword phrase. You should try and make sure that your important keywords have a 5 to 8 percent density in your site. If you keywords have higher than 10 percent density, it may be considered as keyword spamming or stuffing. (This will hurt your search engine rankings dramatically) Use the H1 and H2 heading tags to elevate your important keywords within your site. The keywords contained in these tags are considered slightly more important by search engines.

Inbound Links
Getting inbound links should be considered your most important SEO strategy. Search Engines will rank your site based on the number and quality of inbound links to your site. Links from other highly ranked sites are more valuable and will increase your sites ranking. Contacting other website owners and asking them to exchange links with you is a good strategy. The sites linking to you should not be your competitors, but should be related to your site. For example, a bike repair shop would benefit by exchanging links with a bike trail site. Page Rank is a good indication of how valuable a site would be as a link exchange partner. Yahoo and Google each have a page ranking system. When arranging a link exchange, make sure that your important keywords are included in the anchor text. Search engines use anchor text when they try to figure out the relevance and importance of your web pages. 

Reach At Your Destination with SEO

In the internet market Google and SEO process are conjunct. And presently, this conjunct is at first place to divert the visitor’s passage directing at your web site. It may happen that even if your site is at first place in the Google, very less or almost no hits to your website. Plenty of big internet marketing companies put their hands up against Google. Google is the only search engine that frequently updates its algorithms and places new challenges in front of these companies. Many web sites get affected daily by this attack of Google. To steer clear of getting castigated by Google, there is only one tunnel to go and it is just follow their SEO Delhi Company e-Fuzion process rules. I know it looks like simple solution but most of the simple solutions often forgotten while facing the tricky challenges. SEO Delhi Company e-Fuzion and its software developers’ uses this black cap tricks to obtain maximum search engine result and there fore Google updates their algorithms frequently. If you want to gain a short term result, it works like a guaranteed to you. When you optimized your web pages, log files can show you the specific keywords used by the visitors for your website that is their hit are targeted by the specified keyword. You must be very studies and selective regarding this. Only the risk is that future your website may get barred by Google and al famous search engines. Who believes in long term internet business which must follow the rules and try to be a moral SEO process developer? In SEO Delhi Company e-Fuzion services you find many search engines that are emerging owing to the popularization of vertical search in united sates and other countries.

The materialization of upright search engines, which is the most modern trend in web searching methodologies, enables the search engine optimizers to have quick look at the wide and multiple web sites that are available on the internet. Some of the latest search engines provide file about the primary customary searching boards. Search engines are used mainly because they cut down on the search time.

Submitting articles to Article Directories

A lot of have been written about the Importance of submitting articles to Article Directories. Article Directory is a useful source for information on the Internet today. Many people including journalist, analysts, and writers among others surf different article directories in search of useful information. So if you want to share useful information or for that matter promote your website then submitting articles to such directories is the best solution. Now the question one need to ask here is how can this help in promoting your website in the Search Engines.

Article directory is an important technique as far as Search Engine Optimization is concerned. As a web promoter you write the articles and submit them to article directories for approval. The key factor is that you can add a link back to your website in the resource box of these article directories. So basically if some one on the Internet comes across your article they will have a chance of actually visiting your website through the resource box.

There are thousands of Article directories on the Internet. While submitting your articles to such directories you have to understand different features that will help you in distributing the article in the right way. Every article directory has a title, article summary, article body whereby you post in the entire article, keywords and most importantly the resource box. Let me show you the resource box I have used for this particular article.

" Thomas R is the author of this article on "Your website keyword" (Link back the keyword with the URL of your website). Find more information about the subject at (URL of your website.

 If you just check at the bottom of this article you will find my resource box. I have highlighted my primary keyword with the link back to my website. Likewise you too can write interesting articles that will enhance the readers interest so much so that they will be forced to check out your website link as well.

How many article directories should I submit my article to?

Now this is a very interesting question. I am sure you to must me haunted by this question regularly as to how many article directories you need to submit your article to. To be frank let me tell you that there is no limit to the number of article directories on the Internet. It will be good for your website and your business if you could submit your article to as many directories as you can. For quick results you can start submitting your articles to quality article directories that have a high Pr in the Search Engines. However this does not mean that an Article directory with Pr 0 has no value. One of the important points that you have to consider here is that these directories too will get a Page Rank on their next Google Update. So basically it's a matter of time that your article will be indexed here as well.

However in doing so you have to make sure to avoid submitting your articles to directories that are plagiarized and banned by the Search Engines.

Working With Online Bookmakers As An Affiliate Marketer

Thousands of people each and every day attempt to raid the online bookmakers' pockets, placing bets on a wide variety of sporting events. Unfortunately for the majority of these the percentages back the bookmaker and therefore some will win but some will inevitably lose. It seems like an impossible situation, barring a radically successful betting technique, which is improbable to the point of being impossible, or becoming an online bookmaker yourself, ways in which to beat the system seem slightly limited. However if, rather than trying to fight against the sports betting sites, you decide to take a step back and join them you may well be on the right tracks to turning losses into profits in no time.

Without having to spend a penny or lock horns with the gambling fraternity, an Internet user of any skill can earn money from the sports betting industry. They can do so by joining one of the many affiliate-marketing programs available within the industry. It may sound a little speculative or even downright crazy, but affiliate marketing is actually one of the most successful ways for the common man and the big industries to profit from the Internet.

It works by simply rewarding persons who choose to host advertisements on their site, with a cash reward or a percentage of the profits from each player who clicks on them. Website owners can sign up to these affiliate programs for free and even receive all the advertising and marketing paraphernalia that is required as a part of the bundle. There are no hidden catches or risks involved, all that a sports betting site requires is a small area on the site in which to place an advertisement.

In exchange for this free enterprise advertising opportunity a sports betting affiliate has the potential to tap into one of the most unique online affiliate programs. Rather than offering a small percentage of a sale or an up front fee, the affiliates can choose to earn as a sports betting site earns it's money. To explain, each time a player loses money a sports betting site gains that money. However if that player has joined via the links of one of the many affiliate links on the Internet, that affiliate will receive a percentage of each lost bet. These percentages can range anywhere between 15 and 35%, depending on the level of the affiliate and a number of intricacies within the affiliate program. So each an every time a player bets an affiliate can earn up to 35% of that bet if it is lost.

However as it is gambling, players often win as well as lose, therefore some may question whether they are liable to lose cash should a player go on a rampant winning streak. The answer to this is a simple 'no'. Most affiliate programs offer their members a sort of protection, as they pay at monthly or bi-weekly intervals, they have the opportunity to tot up the overall revenue. This process takes into account all of the wins and the losses encountered by all of the players that each affiliate represents. If this is a minus figure, the affiliate will not be held liable. The sports betting site foots the bill and the affiliate has to simply settle for receiving no money in that period. However the more players playing for an affiliate, the less likely this is to occur. Therefore the onus is on them to bring in more customers, which in turn benefits both them and the sports betting site.

5 ways to increase traffic to your blog

Blogs are a very popular ways of promoting your product or service. They are easy to install, easy to administer and easy to update. And search engines love them too. But what is a blog without traffic?Exactly. Here are five quick ways to boost traffic to your blog and start seeing those big sales.

1.Build a list of blog services to ping
There are a lot of blog services you can ping. This means that you notify this service, that you've updated your blog. These services then list your new posts and you get the traffic from them. I've made a list of 50+ blog services you can ping on my site. These list are also available if you search google or any other search engine for it. That should be enough to give an initial boost to your traffic.

2.Add buttons to popular news readers
What does this mean? Well there are sites like yahoo or google or bloglines etc, which have a members area where you can select sites with RSS feeds to fetch the latest updates from different blogs. That way you can have the latest updates from let's say 50 blogs listed on one page. I have a list of these popular pages on my website plus the buttons which link to them. Users can then easily add my blog to their news reader members area.

3.Update your content regulary
Search engines and blog services love regular updates. It's very likely that you will get targeted traffic from search engines if you post regulary. That means you should make a new post to your blog at least once per day. But be careful. Too many updates per day can harm your search engines position and hits. What's too many? 10 or more 4.Post in forums
Post in forums, but don't spam them. Post something fresh and interesting and put a link to your blog in your signature. Don't just post in any forum. For example if you're selling cds, post in forums that are about music and cds. Don't post in car forums if you're selling furniture. By posting in forums you will get one-way links which are good for search engine position in search engines like google or msn or yahoo.

5.Submit to blog search engines
There are masses of search engines available, that list only blogs. Just google for „blog search engines" and you should find at least 20 of them. These blog search engines will help you with targeted traffic. Be sure to write a good title and a good description to your blog, so that people will easily find it and click on your link.

Follow these 5 steps and you will start seeing lots of traffic to your blog. And the so long awaited sales will start coming in. And don't forget to update your blog with fresh unused content that you write yourself. 

Finding Good Keywords for Your Site

A keyword can be defined as a word or phrase that can be utilized in searching for a website. Keywords can be placed in titles, a body of text, online catalogs, abstracts, indexes, notes and subject headings. Using the right keywords is very important, and keyword optimization, if done correctly, will aid in driving traffic to your site. In order to know which keywords will be most effective for your site, there are a few things that need to be done:

Examine your websites' first page; make sure that it contains a central theme.
Find the words or phrases that best describe the content on the websites' first page.
Make a list of the aforementioned words and/or phrases.
Do not use highly popular keywords that are being used by a thousand other websites.
Figure out the popularity of the words you have chosen by utilizing a keyword directory or one of the many keyword suggestion tools.
You can now narrow your list down to just a few optimal words.

Use the above process for every one of your pages, and you will be able to more effectively optimize the power of your keywords. Remember that when you are determining what keywords will work best for your site, that there are different types of keywords. Knowing about each type will aid in the optimization of your keywords.

When determining what words to use as your keywords, you should first determine what the focus of your website is, what value the websites' information has to offer, as well as who your target audience is. Knowing these particulars in advance will help you to choose keywords that will be optimal for your website.

Types of Keywords

Generally, keywords can be grouped into three different categories. These categories are as follows:

Theme Keywords- these types of keywords are used to target a highly specific audience of people. They are normally used on every single page of the site, and are quite effective at boosting page rank.
Single-word Keywords-these types of keywords are normally used between 5 and 7 times on a page, and are used to target a wide, general audience.
Multiple-word Keywords- these types of keywords, sometimes referred to as "keyword phrases", are used to target a specific audience, usually in a specific location. These types of keywords are also good at improving page rank.

Tools to Use

There are many tools available that will allow you to examine just which keywords are overused, which ones are not, and which keywords will best benefit you and your website. Since there are so many tools available, you will need to figure out the one that you are more comfortable using. Some keyword tools are free, while for others there is a charge. Some of the tools that can help you find good keywords for your site are:

• Keyword Search Tools
• Keyword Research Tools
• Keyword Lists
• Keyword Software
• Keyword Databases

All of these tools can be located on the World Wide Web, and will help you in researching certain keywords and phrases and that you may wish to use for your website.

Although finding good, effective keywords can prove to be a bit time consuming, it is better to invest a little more time in order to achieve the best results. Rushing through the process of choosing keywords and incorporating them into the content of your site will just be wasted time, as it will not get traffic to your site, nor will it improve your page rankings with the search engines.

With so many tools and processes available for you to use in your quest to find the right keywords, with a bit of time and patience you should be able to get your site optimized with the right keywords that will prove to be highly effective. Remember that good keywords and keyword phrases are vital to the life of your website. Make the task of finding good keywords a top priority when it comes to your website. You may be pleasantly surprised when your websites' traffic increases and your page rank goes up with the search engines; all because of a few, well-placed keywords !

Copywriting in Your Email Campaign

Want to double or triple the number of new leads and customers you generate each month with your emails? Try focusing your Email campaign with copy writing techniques.

Copy writing in Emails is the art of using attractively written content focusing around a service or product to sell. A tool used to tempt the reader by making the items for sale seem attractive, desirable and at the same time beneficial. Copy writing is often described as a play on words where the best and the most persuasive campaigns win.

Whenever you email someone, you're basically trying to sell a point. So what better way to communicate than with the language of copy writing in your Emails.

The secret is to balance the right blend of benefits and features in your Email marketing copy. Here are some tips to try in your next email marketing campaign.

1. Pack a powerful headline punch. Check top magazine article headlines of the day to see what's working best. Tailor yours accordingly.

2. Draw readers in with a great lead opening. Look to top articles in the news for ideas. And reach out and grab your readers in a similar fashion.

3. Keep the main message focused on no more than 3 main benefits your product or service offers the reader. Present credible info, not hype. And include testimonial when possible to back up claims.

4. State your proposition in a personal way, since the focus is all about the customer...i.e. write in the "You" form, not "he or she." And talk about them or things that they can relate to.

5. Focus on customer benefits. People like to save money, join in and be a part, learn more, earn more.

6. Offer multiple selling points in bullet form. Write them from customer's point of view & reflect their needs.

7. Thoroughly describe the product. Give the customer all the information they need on the product or service in order to make a well educated decision.

8. Create a call to action. Tell the customer what to do exactly, step-by-step.

9. State your unique selling position to differentiate yourself from competition. For example, tell why your product is better than the competition's.

Go for the gusto in selling your email messages with sound copy writing techniques. Sell your audience on reading more, navigating on your site and communicating in some way to show they got your message. 

Google Adwords Qualified Company

Google Adwords is a powerful tool that you can use to drive large amounts of qualified traffic to your website within a short period of time. There are also a number of benefits to be gained from using a company that is Google Adwords qualified. You will often deal with a consultant who is very experienced with the company. If you have a website that is still in the Google sandbox, Adwords is the method you will want to use to get targeted traffic to your site. Once a website has been placed in the sandbox, it can take months for it to begin getting targeted traffic from Google. If you have invested a great deal of time and money in your site, this is time you don't want to waste.

By hiring a company that is experienced with Adwords, you can get results within a short period of time. You must understand that it is not simply enough to start a Google Adwords campaign and hope you can convert your traffic into sales. In most cases, this will not work. The situation is much more delicate, and while you have the option of going through headaches trying to figure out how to use Adwords successfully, you also have the option of hiring an experienced company that has a track record of success. This company should be able to deal with all the aspects of your Adwords campaign. Another thing that you will want to become familiar with is the bid prices for Google. 

The Ads from your campaign will be showcased based on the prices you bid for the keywords. These keywords will often come in the form of phrases. Generally, the prices for keyword phrases will range from 30 cents to one dollar. However, the cost could be much higher depending on the keywords you use. It should also be noted that the prices will change on a daily basis. Before you hire a Google Adwords, company, they will require you to first have an Adwords account. Once the account is set up, you will need to give the necessary information to the company, and you can then pay for their services.

The company will charge you for consultancy services. You may be required to pay a one time fee for setup, and you may also be required to pay a management fee monthly. The prices for each company may vary. The company will spend time analyzing you keywords to make sure only the best are used. If you choose the wrong keywords, the success of the campaign will be decreased. 

How to Get Your Blog Indexed on MSN in less than 72 Hours for Free

MSN uses a search engine crawler known as MSN Bot; You have to tell MSN Bot to crawl your blog or website.

I do not know why MSN indexes blogs(Blogger especially)during such a short time; I guess its because they are hungry for new pages...

I found this secret whilst trying to get my websites indexed into search engines for Free, and that was a while ago.

This is what you have to do, step-by-step:

1. Go to MSN.com and search your blog address. It will be BLOGNAME.blogspot.com for Blogger blogs.

2. MSN will say "We couldn't find any results containing BLOGNAME.blogspot.com"

and 4 lines below there is a link with the text "Send the address to Us" Click that link to index your blog.

3. You now have access to MSN Bot. You'll see a code verification system; type the correct code and the URL of your blogger or word press blog.

Remember to include the http://

Within 3 days your blog will be indexed! When your blog gets indexed, try this system with your websites too.

Getting indexed in Yahoo is a bit harder, and takes longer.

1) Go to Altavista.com

2) Click on "Submit a Site"

3) You'll see 3 options... Click "Basic Submit". You'll need a Yahoo! account for this.

4) Once logged in, you'll be taken to Yahoo!'s free URL submitter.

There you have it - the simple secret of getting your blog indexed in search engines.

Tommy Lee knows 33 Profitable Ideas ANYONE can Use to Start Making Money Sucking Blogs Starting Today. Fast and Easy.

How to Start a Blog and Make Money Online

If you are new to the internet and wondering what an earth this blogging craze is all about, or if you already have your own website and you're wondering why everyone keeps advising you to start your own blog, read on. I'm going to explain to you what a blog is, why you need one, how to set it up, promote it and of course, make money from it.

Blog is short for "web log" and is similar to an online diary or journal. The craze of blogging began in the very late 1990s and has started to become more and more popular over the last couple of years. Almost everyone seems to have a blog these days, from CEOs of large companies to webmasters, from world travelers to teenagers. Even my Dad has his own blog now! A blog allows you to communicate informally with people via an online journal, but it's more personal and unstructured than a website and easier and cheaper to set up than a website.

If you have your own website, but haven't yet started a blog you can easily start one using a free service such as Blogger or WordPress. Try to post to your blog at least once or twice a week on topics related to your website. Blogging will help your search engine rankings and open up the communication channels between you and your visitors or customers, encouraging them to interact with you and give them a reason to return to your site in future.

If you don't have your own website and are looking to set up a blog quickly and easily I recommend opening a free account with Blogger. You can blog about anything you like, for example a hobby, a vacation, your home town, something political, a sport or your business. Just be sure to pick something that you are interested in and knowledgeable about. You can host your blog for free on Blogspot – all you need to do is pick a name that is relevant to the topic of your blog. Once you have set up your profile and chosen a template, blogging is as simple as sending an email to a friend.

There are many ways to make money from your blog, but here are a few ideas to get you started .
- Google Adsense - this is free to join and easy to set up. The ads will match the content of your blog and you will get paid every time a visitor clicks on an ad.

- Affiliate Programs – sign up for affiliate programs related to the topic of your blog and display links to related products on your blog. Clickbank, Trade Doubler and Commission Junction are good places to start, or do a Google search for "affiliate program" + the topic of your blog to find more affiliate programs. Whenever someone clicks through your affiliate link and buys a product, you will receive a commission. If you are knowledgeable about your topic you could also write product reviews to help increase your affiliate sales.

- Sell Advertising Space – if you have a popular blog you can charge people to advertise on your blog. This could be in the form of a text link, a banner or a graphic.

You are not going to make money with a blog unless people can find it. As soon as you have started to post to your blog it's time to start promoting it. You can get your blog noticed by…

- Submitting your blog to blog directories – just search for "blog directories" in Google

- Asking other bloggers to exchange links with you – you put a link on your blog in exchange for a link from their blog.

- Writing an article related to the topic of your blog and posting it to article directories. Remember to include an author's resource box with a link to your blog.

- Pinging blog ping services every time you make a new post – pingomatic.com and pingoat.com are two sites you can use to do this.

- Participating in forums related to the topic of your blog. Put a link to your blog in your forum signature.

Finally, once you have your blog monetized and you have started promoting it don't forget to post regularly. The most important aspect of every successful blog is frequent posting, so be sure not to let the virtual dust gather over your blog!

How to Use RSS to Make Money Online

Most of you have seen those little buttons on websites labeled RSS or XML. If you are wondering what they are, RSS means Really Simple Syndication. Really simple because when you subscribe to a site that has this aspect, you keep up-to-date alongside new data without having to check the site every day. This is actually acceptable news because you can use it to get news feeds from major news networks, news on new movies, even your favorite musician's trip dates or CD releases.

This new weave to the Internet is extremely valuable to you as a Internet marketer too. Imagine replacing email marketing next to RSS marketing. People actually subscribe meaning they crave your report updates, similar to opt-in newsletters. With newsletters you have to write them and your site content. With RSS, when you update your content, all subscribers are notified by their newsreaders.

Newsreaders are special software that review RSS feeds. To get started, download a free RSS reader.

If you use a Windows PC, go to http://ew2mm.blogspot.com

For Mac users, see http://ew2mm.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default

Before you are set up, here's all you or your customers have to do...

See how much you can learn about money when you take a little time to read a well-researched article? Don't miss out on the rest of this great information.

Right-click (control-click for Mac users) on any RSS button on a site, blog or news source that interests you. Select Copy Shortcut ("Copy Link to Clipboard" for Mac, "Copy Link Location" for Firefox browsers), and paste that URL into your RSS Reader. And that is it, you are subscribed. Once you get started, your favorite parts of the Web come to you. No need to go out and check for updates all the time. If you do not want to download software, subscribe to your favorite feeds through My Yahoo or My MSN.
So how does any of this create you money?

More traffic means extra cash. By placing RSS on your website or your blog, anyone can subscribe automatically and understand when a new product or service is available. This new breed of Internet shopper is not to be rejected. To take advantage of the traffic you have to set up your RSS feed available to website visitors and submit your feed message to RSS, blog and XML kind directories.

Here's how you get RSS for your site!

Go to http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss for the finest source of RSS and Blog information. There are several file types for RSS and here you find out which is best and why.

There is no need to become a techie to use RSS and XML. You just need to know enough about this newest technology to use it. Once you do, it comes simple to see how you make money online with RSS. In the same way newsletters and opt-in email are used for successful marketing, RSS is much easier, faster, and a much less intrusive way to communicate with potential or existing clients and customers.

It's very critical to provide exactly what individuals want to make money online. How can there be a better way to do that than to allow people to subscribe to their wants and wishes? Start using RSS and XML technologies now to make money online. To add fuel to your marketing fire, use RSS to optimize content and add constant updates to your web pages.

Take time to consider the points presented above. What you learn may help you overcome your hesitation to take action.

PDF to Success while Selling E-books

Having a successful online E-book business means more than just selling E-books. It means giving the customer great value, great quality, and gaining their trust by giving away valuable information in free PDF files.

So, what is a PDF file? A PDF file is a computer file type that stands for portable document format. Essentially it gives people a free way to share articles and documents, so that everyone can read them on any type of computer. You'll need Adobe Acrobat Reader to read PDF's. Nowadays most people have this free reader already installed on their systems. PDF's also offer the advantage that they are indexed by search engines, as they look at PDF's as more valuable than web content. So, it is likely that the more PDF's you have, the easier it will be for customers to find your site.

By giving away free PDF files that contain valuable information, you automatically build trust into your products. Your prospective customers will very likely have to pay for the information in your PDF's elsewhere, so they feel that they are getting a deal. Furthermore, PDF's help to potentially mass market your website, because they are free to be passed around. PDF's can be emailed and distributed around the internet, so if there is valuable information in them, it is highly likely they will spread like wildfire, through emails, groups, chat rooms and web forums. This viral effect of PDF distribution has a huge potential to help drive tons of traffic to your website.

Lastly, try using the concept of delivering more than your product promises. After one has purchased your product, offer them an unexpected free PDF that includes information that has high value. This will build in greater customer satisfaction and people will likely spread the word.

Wishing you Success!

Need Money To Start A Home Base Business Opportunity

I wrote this article to help explain why you need money to start a home base business. One of the main reasons is because; and I Quote "It Takes Money to Make Money." So let's get to the heart of the matter.

If you are interested in starting a home base business and say you don't have any money to join or start a business than you will FAIL before you Start. What do I say to help you with this problem! You will find a way to invest in your future if you are truly interested in changing the QUALITY of your LIFE! Otherwise you really don't want to do this.

So if you are truly committed to making money in a home base business opportunity, you will find a way to get the money to invest in a business. You see it's NOT about whether you have money, it's about whether or not you are motivated ENOUGH to TAKE ACTION. So there is a BIG difference between WANTING something and WISHING something. MOST people are just WISHING for money, a better life, and nicer things. But they do not want to go through the EFFORT and DISCOMFORT of acquiring them.

You see, what it all comes down to is this; Have a dream with a highly motivated reason WHY to want something to be successful. You will always have external obstacles and forces that will tell you that you can't do something. So You have to Know why you want it, Deep down inside, that You really Want it!

Think about this; If you are a GROWN adult over 25 and you do not have a few hundred dollars to start a home-based business than something is SERIOUSLY WRONG with the way you are living your life. I don't want to sound really rude but this is the facts of life. And what you need to do is take a Serious look in the mirror and ask yourself; "What is it I Truly want out of Life? What is IT?" Whatever your answer is, that will be your motivation to find the money to start a home base business opportunity.

Now you must do this for a reason. Not mine and not anyone else reason but your reason why. This reason must be Big enough and motivating enough to Drive you to your success. Because you will, Have obstacles and hurdles and setbacks in your journey to find the life you always want all your friends and family to be jealous of. This is one of the True Secrets to success that most millionaires have done to create their lives of envy to everyone else who dreams about success. Think about it; how did the rich and famous get rich and famous. Did they say, I don't have no money to start my business. No! They started with nothing and gained knowledge to create their one success.

My best example is; It took Thomas Edison a thousand tries to make the light bulb work, so what was his reason why. To build an empire in the electrical business.

All I can say is once you make up Your mind to find the money to start a home base business opportunity, the doors will open and You Will become successful. I have been in network marketing for about 2 years now and it took me about half of that time to learn this on my own. And heck I am just a stupid machinist with a blue collar skill. I just got tired of of making my bosses dreams come true so I found my reason Why and Took Action. Guess What? I am successful today and I'm happy I did it! 

Top 10 SEO Copywriting

What would happen if…? I'm a person to always ask that question. I love testing and tracking to see what factors can improve or worsen a situation. So, it was only natural for me to track the moves of a little experiment I did involving SEO copy writing recently. I'll gladly share my findings with you.

Before I do, however, I want to make a couple of things very clear. The outcome of this experiment will not be the same for every key phrase on every page of every site. There are too many unknown factors at play in the overall SEO equation. Not to mention, all key phrases are not the same, and all sites are not the same. In addition, this experiment takes no account of link popularity, which is a huge factor in achieving high rankings. With that said, let me show you how I took the home page of one of my sites - that didn't even rank in the top 50 - and caused it to rank in the top 10.

First of all, I'm not a big fan of checking rankings on a regular basis. I don't run ranking reports for all my sites to be sure they are all in the positions I want them in for every given key phrase. I'll do it from time to time just to satisfy my own occasional curiosity. This experiment began when I noticed the home page of one of my sites was ranking highly for a key phrase that didn't seem to appear anywhere in the text. Upon further investigation, I saw that the key phrase was included in the ALT tags (a.k.a. image attribute tags) and that it was also included in the title tag.

I knew ALT tags previously carried a lot of weight with the engines, but had been downgraded in importance because site owners had badly abused the tag. Had ALT tags been reinstated in their level of importance? I decided to find out.

Keyword #1 was currently in the ALT tags and the title tag, so I decided to eliminate the keyword in the title tag. This would let me see if the ALT tags alone could hold the position in the search engine results pages (SERPs). To make things more interesting, I also decided to research and find a keyword that was a little more competitive and insert it into the title tag. On the same day I removed Keyword #1 from the title tag, I inserted Keyword #2. My home page was not ranked in the top 50 at that time for Keyword #2.

A few days later, the Googlebot came by and boosted my home page to position #18 for Keyword #2. Not bad! The page fell one spot (from #17 to #18) for Keyword #1 since the removal of the phrase from the title tag.

Keep in mind, these are not the most competitive keywords ever known. They each got between 100 to 200 searches a day. Also, the home page of this particular site had been (and still is) well ranked for years for other keyphrases and had a positive legacy with Google.

Five days later, Keyword #2 was moved up three notches to a ranking of #14 while Keyword #1 stayed the same. Things remained in their status quot for roughly 10 days and then began to shift again. Keyword #1, the original that was previously in both the ALT tags and the title tag, vanished completely. It was not found in the top 50. Keyword #2, that was only found in the title tag and nowhere else, dropped to position #25.

Four days later, Keyword #2 was back up in the rankings and was now at #16. To see if I could improve rankings further, I began to make small tweaks to the page attributes. I added Keyword #2 to the ALT tags (taking the places where Keyword #1 had once been), and I also added Keyword #2 to the body copy. The keyphrase was added to one, bold sub-headline and at three places within the body copy: none of which were above the fold. It was not added to any primary headlines that used tags, and no keyword density formula was followed for the body copy. No other pages on my site used this term as anchor text in links pointing to the home page. That gave the page keyword placement in the:

· Title tag

· ALT tags

· Body copy

Seven days later, the home page hit the top 10 for Keyword #2!

So, what does all this mean? Simple. There is no single primary factor in search engine rankings. It takes balance, testing and tracking to find out what works for your particular pages. Your best bet is to do exactly what I did… begin one step at a time and track your progress. Did something cause a positive movement? Keep it. If something causes a negative shift, take it out.

I'm not finished with this page yet. I'll keep trying different things from time to time just to see what happens. Maybe I'll add anchor text links from the internal pages to the home page. I might try writing articles with keyword-rich anchor text links to help boost the rankings more. There are many acceptable practices I can implement for this page (or any page) that will allow me to observe the shifts in ranking. As the old saying goes, "Don't put all your eggs in one basket." A diversified approach to SEO copy writing that includes tags, copy and links is always a wise start down the road to top 10 rankings. 

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) For Google, Yahoo, and MSN

In this article I will review the similarities and differences between the ranking algorithms of Google, Yahoo and MSN. Google and Yahoo are considerably reasonably close in terms of off-page factors weighting compared to MSN, which is more on the on-page side. Like Google, Yahoo and MSN will discount obviously identical and unnatural looking anchor link text. Since these also are frequently updated, I will only concentrate on those factors that do not. Otherwise, mayor updates should take place for them to be replaced by other/better methods.

The Google Factors.

It is a known fact that Google is focused on links. Therefore, it ranks them by quality and relevancy factors. With that said, on-page factors such as title keywords, content keyword density and relevance also influence the ranking of a given page. Google also looks into the "neighborhood" of your site analyzing outbound links. If you link to related quality sites with relevant content, search engines will associate your site with these "neighbor" sites.

The Yahoo Factors.

Yahoo tends to be the most active of the three when it comes to crawling. Not a general rule though. But in addition to its nature, having RSS on your site will get it more aggressive and frequently crawled. Similar to Google, Yahoo gives a lot of importance to inbound links, looking into factors like relevancy and anchor text, and heavily at volume of links. Their Trust Rank is a form of Page Rank, but with a special teleportation to a subset of high-quality pages. Yahoo search rankings appear to place extra importance on your site being listed in their directory, especially for highly competitive terms. Keyword density in title and content relevance also count. 
The MSN Factors.
Maybe a substantial different from the other two, MSN normally gives more weight to the title text. Also, CSS optimization plays an important role at getting better rankings here. MSN is second to Yahoo on links volume, but the link analysis is reversed, analyzing inbound links for quality, anchor text keywords, and relevancy. Inclusion in the MSN endorsed directories would boost your site high in the SERPs. This fact still holds true, but its advantage has lessened with the new Live version. Content freshness is still very important, boosting rank of frequently updated pages.

Optimizing for all.
Yes, it is possible. Did someone said: Wikipedia? Regardless of the also differences of the mayor search engines, a site with great content that attracts users, and generates lots of natural occurring inbound links having great anchor text, has a great chance of replicating similar success. Of the off-page factors, quality of inbound links is the most important. Of the on-page factors the keyword density in the title. A good balance between conservative keyword density and other elements like RSS and CSS need to exist when used, since they all get particular boots or penalties with the search engines. 

How to Make Money Selling Other People's Stuff

In affiliate marketing, an affiliate marketer doesn't need to have their own products and services to sell. All they need to do is to refer people to the merchant's business site for them to buy the products and thereby, earn a commission. Affiliate marketing is great for beginners new to the internet business as well as those that want to add to their current business.

That sounds a great idea – what do I need to be good at Affiliate Marketing?

Well, obviously a computer, but also a web site will make life a lot easier, but mostly you need a great affiliate program and an efficient and detailed marketing strategy.
So how you choose the right affiliate program for yourself? Here's Some Tips

Information: Join affiliate forums and learn some tips and get suggestions from experienced affiliate marketers. Find a program that suits your interests and experience.

Quality of the Program: As an affiliate marketer your goal is not only to make visitors of your site click the link to the business site; but more importantly, to promote the product so they buy it. They don't buy – you don't earn. Make sure the products you are endorsing are worthwhile or in the business context, saleable. Ask yourself: if I were the customer, would I buy it? Would I recommend it to my family or good friends? If you can't convince yourself or your family and friends to buy it, take a look at your next option.

Compensation Level: Carefully study the company's compensation plan. Your purpose for joining the program is to earn, so make sure you'll be paid for all.